Baked sweet potato with creamy chicken
This is a perfect lunch when you need warm and comforting food. It’s simple to make and I like to serve mine with a crisp salad with red cabbage and spinach for that extra crunch and colour.
Baked sweet potato with creamy chicken
serves 1
1 sweet potato
leftover chicken from a Sunday roast or the meat from a couple of cooked chicken legs or thighs,
2 tbsp dairy free cream cheese
2 spring onion, finely chopped
1 tbsp Apple cider vinegar (ACV)
1 tsp cayenne pepper
Start by using a fork to poke holes in the sweet potato
Place on a baking tray and bake for 40-50 minutes FAN 180 (until it is soft inside when pierced with a fork)
Mix together your cooked chicken, cream cheese, spring onion and and ACV.
When the potato is ready, cut it in half to open the potato and top it with the chicken mix.
Sprinkle cayenne pepper on the top and serve with a salad.
TOP TIP: to make ahead, bake the potato the night before. Mix the chicken topping together. Reheat the potato before serving. A perfect option to take to work if you can heat the potato there.